You Matter To God

Bible Study Groups
Join one of our Bible study classes and dig deeper into God's Word with people in your life stage.

Directions To Our Location
Our church is located in down town Rockmart off Atlanta Highway. We are directly behind Van Wert Elementary School.

New To Calvary?
Considering a visit? We'd love to have you join us for a Sunday Morning worship service.

What We Believe
Christ Jesus came into the world to save sinners
We believe the most important truth in the world is the Gospel of Jesus Christ. No matter what part of the world you are from, what race you are, or how successful you may have been: every person needs Jesus Christ! We believe the Son of God died on the cross for the sins of the whole world. We believe the Bible is God’s word and our guide to every matter in life. We believe that God is worthy of our praise and worship. These truths are important to Calvary Baptist Church, and our services are built around these beliefs.